Welcome Jonathon, And thank you for tantalizing us with the knowledge that you have Scadoxus cyrtanthiflorus. I am sure people like Doug Westfall are drooling over this fact. I have only seen photos of it and it looks magnificent, but have heard that it is exceedingly hard to come by unless you can somehow make your way to the forests of Uganda. (Which I'm not sure is any easier of a method to obtain it...) I have also seen photos of S. cinnabarinus which look gorgeous. I was surprised to see a partial photo of the flower of this in the latest issue of National Geographic in an article on Bioko Island immediately off the west coast of central Africa: "Bioko Island is a little known island off the west coast of Africa. It's part of Equatorial Guinea and the site of Malabo, the country's capital, but it's also a center of unparalleled biodiversity". <http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/08/…> --Lee Poulsen Pasadena, California, USDA Zone 10a jonathanhutchinson@rhs.org.uk wrote: > I hold National Collections of Scadoxus, Veltheimia and Urginea through the NCCPG, National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens. > The Scadoxus have had a good year with some lovely flower heads but I still await the flower spike on Scadoxus cyrtanthiflorus. From its horizontal rhizome it sheds its old foliage and pushes out a new pseudostem of leaves from the base each time getting thicker and growing taller, I am sure this year will be the year but I said that last year as well! > > Best wishes to all > > Jonathan Hutchinson > >