Crinum x powellii & Eucomis pole-evansii

Jim McKenney
Mon, 21 Jul 2008 06:19:24 PDT
Mr. Kelly Irvin wrote: " For the first time my 8 feet or so of Eucomis
pole-evansii are blooming well."

Mr. Irvin, does that eight feet describe the amount of row space you have
given to this species or does it describe the height of the inflorescence? 

: ) 

Please tell us more about your Eucomis pole-evansii. Are they in the garden?
In pots? Wintered in a greenhouse? 

I have plants of this species which have never bloomed in all the many years
I have grown them. I attribute that to their being grown in pots and

The possibility that I might one day see an eight foot Eucomis makes me
think it's time to reconsider the attention I'm giving to these. 

Jim McKenney

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