Dear all, As the solstice has passed and the summer is in full 'mode', it seems timely to mark the bulbous changes. Lilum michiganense, that I reported on earlier, is well past peak and the remaining flowers look distinctly "tired". I was essentially unsuccessful in seeking color forms, but I'll try again in seed season. Other lilies are taking the lead with a range of species, Asiatics, Trumpets and especially Orienpets. 'Silk Road' is still a favorite - large uopright stems and beautiful large white flowers with a deep claret-red center. Another good show came from the Lily 'Zeus' (another Orienpet, I think), but other favorites have finished and more have yet to start. Crinums have progressed with the various x powellii hybrids putting on a show. xpowelli alba is still one of the best of the older forms, and 'Super Ellen' is still pushing up a huge spike that will surely top 6 ft this year when it fully emerges from the foliage. This Crinum is still fairly new, but has proven itself far hardier than typical 'Ellen Bousanquet' and it is a couple sizes larger in all respects. Crinum 'scabrum' is sole survivor of this group of hybrids commonly called milk and wine "lilies " (crinums). It doesn't bloom every year, but is worth the wait. We've had a very wet year and the Crinums have responded with multiple scapes and more flowers. Normally Kansas City has shades of tan in the landscape by this time of year, but we still green and lush ( of course more than 5 1/2 inches of rain in one day helps A LOT). Mention should be made of Anthericum. The flowers are small, almost insignificant and last, but a few hours each, but the multitude of scapes, buds and blooms gives a good show for weeks. Impressive. And last and weirdest, is a single aril-bred iris hybrid giving its first bloom (not rebloom) for the last couple of days. Very odd as Aril-bred iris tend to be earlier than most bearded types and all others are long gone in the garden. Signs of odd climate... again. Happy 4th of July to all US members and a happy July 4 to others. Best Jim W. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +