Dear Tsuh Yang, I think Diane gave a good answer. This is a fascinating subject of identifying ethnic food items. I often go to local markets and search out the ID for a variety of 'geophytes' from Yautia (Xanthosma,a tuberous Aroid) to Yams (Dioscorea) and even some odd alliums such as Chinerse pickled leeks (not related to Western Leeks). And my current mystery 'purple flesh yams, actually a sweet potato which is of course a morning glory (Ipomea) . The Oxford Book of EdiblePlants is a constant reference, but bogs down at the truly exotic. Took me years to figure out what Sichuan Vegetable really is ! And then there's the Gansu (China) edible Lilies (Lilium davidii) and a host of other bulbous and tuberous edibles. Another side of bulb fascination. Best JIm W. >this is a bit off-topic, since we are veering into cuisine now, but >i was wondering if anyone knows what species are the following >japanese edible yams: yama-imo and tororo. i think these are both >Dioscoreas, is that correct? has anyone tasted them? -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +