Wiki Additions-- Ixia, Triteleia, Crocus

Mary Sue Ittner
Thu, 10 Jul 2008 06:57:20 PDT

I've been slowly adding new Ixia pictures to the wiki for awhile now in 
case anyone is interested. There are additional pictures of many species 
and new species added as well. New photographs are from Alan Horstmann, Rod 
Saunders, Cameron McMaster, Bob Rutemoeller, and myself. By the time I 
finished the page was getting long so I broke up the pages so they wouldn't 
take so long for people with dial up connections to load and made a table.…

I've added additional pictures of Triteleia bridgesii and pictures of 
another species I grow, Triteleia crocea. We had pictures of T. bridgesii, 
but I happened to get some good pictures that showed how shiny it is, and 
the blue anthers, and showed the tube so wanted to share them. Triteleia 
crocea is a species from higher elevations that I am able to grow 
successfully in my coastal Northern California garden. There is a 
subspecies of this Triteleia that has pale blue flowers (ssp. modesta). 
Does anyone grow it or has anyone seen it and has a picture of it that we 
could add to the wiki?…

I added a picture taken in January of Crocus versicolor blooming from NARGS 
seed. It's one of those "spring" flowering species that blooms in winter in 
my Mediterranean climate.….

Mary Sue

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