
Lee Poulsen
Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:58:38 PDT
Do you offer this species for sale?

I've grown several Pancratium species, some of which are even mature.  :-)
But I've never had any of them bloom. I've even had P. zeylanicum for 15 
years in a greenhouse; they're very healthy and have multiplied a great 
deal since then (I keep promising to send some to Dell), but nary a 
bloom have I ever seen from them.
Even the mediterranean climate ones I have (PP. maritimum, illyricum, 
canarien-sis/-se), which should do well here, and grow well they do, 
have never bloomed.
I have P. tenuifolium, but it's still too small to bloom.
Is Pancratium another one of those genera that only bloom when planted 
in the ground?

Does anyone know of sources for any of the other P. species, esp. the 
Asian ones?

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena, California, USDA Zone 10a

Tony Avent wrote:
> Jim:
> The only Pancratium that we have had success with outdoors is Pancratium 
> foetidum which has been in the ground since 2000. It flowers for us in 
> late July.

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