Sinningia sowing

Thu, 10 Jul 2008 21:46:01 PDT
Dear Tsuh,
Thanks for that link. Those show plants are truly humbling. As much as I
adore gesners there always seem to be insurmountable problems for me,
especially mites. But sinningias are all around less troublesome.

For fine seed as with begonias and gesneriads this method has worked well
for me: start with a light "fluffy" mix of only perlite and peat moss (about
1:2). This mix should be slightly moist before use. Use small pots-- 1-1/2"
or 2"-- and tamp firmly all the way to the top so there is no lip. The mix
will settle a little upon watering and for whatever reason, seedlings are
happier when the level of the mix is high rather than low in the pot.

Sprinkle seeds over the surface then soak the pot from below, preferably
with purified water. Once the surface shows wicking, use a fine mist sprayer
to gently 'congeal' the surface. Let drain then place in a closed plastic
bag or terrarium until the seedlings are large enough to gradually wean from
the saturated humidity. Keep under subdued light and temps 70-80F.
Artificial lights can help, as can a fine layer of milled sphagnum; in the
latter case sow the seeds onto this sphagnum layer.

Dylan Hannon

Dylan Hannon Rare Bulbs

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 1:03 PM, piaba <> wrote:

> hi joyce,
> i don't know what i can tell you since i grow everything indoors in a
> non-AC appartment in the jungle of new york.  because Sinningia and
> gesneriad seed is so small, it can be frustrating to work with.  i sow a
> small portion in a small 2" pot and keep it enclosed in an iced-coffee
> plastic cup.  if you have too much moss growing over, it's obviously a
> humidity issue?  in the wild, we have seen many seedlings growing on
> moss-covered rocks, so they obviously can live together...
> i was wondering if people have had some success or failure with the
> Sinningia seed i have sent dell.  mostly, seed can be kept viable for many
> years in the fridge, and some of the seed i sent him is a bit old.  just
> wondering if anyone has had no luck whatsoever.
> for those interested, the Gesneriad Society just held its convention and
> there's a slide show at this website:
> as you know, many genera in the family are tuberous/rhizomatous.
> =========
> tsuh yang
> --- On Fri, 7/4/08, <
>> wrote:
> >     May I know the technique you use to sow sinningia seed
> > and avoid moss grow over.  I have a temperature controlled
> > greenhouse.
> >
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