Cryptostephanus haemanthoides comes from semi-arid bushland in East Africa in sandy soil principally derived from decomposed granite. Annual rainfall c. 500 mm in one or two annual wet seasons, but then dry and usually very hot for most of the year. The plants I've seen of it were growing in open places between shrubs or in savanna-type grassland. My collected plant was not difficult to grow in a deep pot on a hot sunny windowsill, kept dry in the British winter, buit I killed it by keeping it too cool one winter. My conclusion is that it needs a dry warm resting period, but that it isn't really particularly fussy. As the bulk of the underground parts are the big fleshy roots one assumes that care should be taken not to damage them. Where in South Africa are you Pieter? John Grimshaw Dr John M. Grimshaw Sycamore Cottage Colesbourne Nr Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 9NP Tel. 01242 870567 ----- Original Message ----- From: "Aqua Flora" <> To: <> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 10:28 AM Subject: [pbs] Cryptostephanus haemanthoides > Dear List, > > I have just received a number of Cryptostephanus haemanthoides bulbs from > Rare Exotics. Can anyone advise on growing conditions, growth medium, sun > exposure, watering requirements etc.??? > > Looking forward to your comments! > > Kind regards, > > Pieter van der Walt > South Africa > >