Isn’t there some ambiguity in the way we use this word “frost”? In the usage I'm familiar with, “frost” is something observed at above freezing temperatures: the light dusting of white observed on mornings when the air temperature is above freezing but maybe well down into the 30sF. Yet many other people seem to use the term “frost” to refer to below freezing temperatures, as in “we had five degrees of frost this morning”. What some people call “frost damage” I would call “freeze damage”. Basil and coleus are prone to frost damage in the terminology I’m used to; lilies which sprout too early are prone to freeze damage but are rarely bothered by frost. How are others using these words? Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where 65º F is predicted today. My Virtual Maryland Garden BLOG! Webmaster Potomac Valley Chapter, NARGS Editor PVC Bulletin Webmaster Potomac Lily Society