Jim Waddick asked: Before the dreary season hits, anyone have a ray of color in > the garden? One little drop of gold here in the form of a Narcissus bulbocodium flowering absurdly out of season. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it from the bathroom window. Otherwise only the dregs of Crocus speciosus and the last Colchicum agrippinum flowers. Two nights of sharp frost have nobbled the Nerine undulata and the last Cyclamen hederifolium, but again rather curiously there are two Cyclamen pseudibericum flowers open. John Grimshaw Dr John M. Grimshaw Sycamore Cottage Colesbourne Nr Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 9NP Tel. 01242 870567 COLESBOURNE PARK SNOWDROP OPEN DAYS 2008 January 26/27 and every Saturday & Sunday in February Gates open 1pm, last entry 4 pm website: http://www.colesbournegardens.org.uk/