The current Antarctic ice mass is above the annual mean recorded since 1978-9. ==================== Hi Gang, I did a brief check, and it seems that only 2 flowering plants grow on Antarctica, and they are not geophytes. There are about 2 dozen vascular plants species in all and no trees or shrubs (Although, I understand the Air Force might have planted some trees along a runway). The quote above prompted me to review articles and recent publications on Anarctic ice and temperatures. The story of climate and ice in Antarctica is certainly one of confusion. Some studies have shown cooling and some have shown warming. Some have shown loss of ice, and others have shown increases in ice. Part of the problem, of course, is the paucity of records from times before the 1970s. Also, Antarctica is a big place; it covers about 5.4 million square miles. For comparison, the USA (including Alaska) comprises less than 4 million square miles. Thus, measurements in one part of Antarctica may not reflect conditions in another part of the continent. Additionally, much of the continent is of high elevation, over 1.5 miles high, and such areas have termperatures and precipitation that are very different from the lower coastal areas. One author of a 2002 study, that found that much of Antarctica had cooled between 1986 and 2000, felt his research has been misused to refute global warming. He wrote an interesting Op-Ed piece in the New York Times in 2006. He had been cited by some writers, columnists, and politicians, as someone who doubted global warming. In his Op-Ed piece he explained that his data was not in conflict with global warming and that parts of Antarctica (high and dry areas of the interior) should be expected gain ice if more precipitation accompanied global warming. He concluded by saying, "...I would like to remove my name from the list of scientists who dispute global warming." He also urged that more studies be conducted. NOTE: The articles below (except the one at are free. However, to gain access to the Science Magazine articles, you will need to register (it is free). It is worth reading Science articles, and they are free a year after publication under the open access policy. However, Science Magazine almost never publishes information about geophytes. Cordially, Joe Conroe TX We don't have climate change here, we have climate confusion. LINK: Cold, Hard Facts (Op-Ed, NY Times 2006)… LINK: Antarctic climate cooling and terrestrial ecosystem response (2002)… Joughin I, Tulaczyk S. Positive mass balance of the Ross Ice Streams, West Antarctica. Science. 2002 Jan 18;295(5554):476-80. (free access with registration at Science Magazine, PMID: 11799237 Shepherd A, Wingham DJ, Mansley JA, Corr HF. Inland thinning of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica. Science. 2001 Feb 2;291(5505):862-4. (free access with registration at Science Magazine, PMID: 11157163 LINK: Antarctic temperatures over the past two centuries from ice cores (2006) Abstract only… LINK: Plants of Antarctica…