Hirsute Haemanthus coccineus leaves

Jacob Knecht sabepafronta@yahoo.com
Fri, 16 Nov 2007 20:50:36 PST
Aloha bulb friends,

I have some seedlings that were bought as seeds under
the name Haemanthus coccineus. They are very fuzzy on
both sides.  

I have grown many forms of this species and I realise
that it covers a wide geographical range and also has
considerable morphological variation, but I have never
seen any with any fuzz whatsoever.  Perhaps they just
have the fuzz when in a juvenile stage or do I have
something that isn't really H. coccineus?

Is anyone out there growing Haemanthus coccineus that
have hirsute leaves?

Thanks for the advice in advance.

Jacob Knecht
Honolulu, Hawai`i

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