Hyacinthus orientalis 'Sneeuwwitje'

brown.mark brown.mark@wanadoo.fr
Fri, 09 Nov 2007 02:29:14 PST
Does anyone know what Hyacinthus orientalis chionophilus looks like?Is it 
white and very early?
I couldn't find any images on the net of this plant nor H.tabrizianus one z 
or even two.Google not coming up trumps this time.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Judy Glattstein" <jglatt@hughes.net>
To: <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 3:04 AM
Subject: [pbs] Hyacinthus orientalis 'Sneeuwwitje'

> According to the 1991 edition of the International Checklist for
> Hyacinths and Miscellaneous Bulbs, by the Royal General Bulbgrowers'
> Association (KAVB)
> /orientalis/ L. 'Sneeuwwitje'
> /orientalis/ 'Snowwhite'
> sport of /orientalis/ 'Borah'
> P. van Reisen, 1950; spike slender, flowers white, Fairy type
> A.M.-B.C. 1960
> /orientalis/ L. var. /albulus/ Baker
> /albulus/ Baker
> Naturalized in S. France; spike small and slender, flowers white, early
> flowering. (2n=16)
> Roy Genders, in "Bulbs, A Complete Handbook" makes brief mention on pg
> 354 ". . . and from the variety /albus/, with its blooms of virginal
> whiteness, native of southern France, was raised the early flowering
> Roman hyacinth." On the next page he devotes a paragraph to /Hyacinthus
> romanus/, which he describes as "Not a true species but the French form
> of /H. orientalis/ with creamy-white flowers in a loose spike at a
> height of 12 in (30 cm). It is usually grown under glass, when it will
> bloom between Christmas and Easter."
> After some more discussion about multiflora hyacinths which are
> derivatives of /H. romanus/ there an interesting two sentence long
> paragraph:
> "/Hyacinthus tabrizianus. /Native of Persia, it is one of the rarest
> plants in cultivation, a single bulb being worth 50 new pence. It grows
> only 3 in (7.5 cm) tall and blooms in March, the tiny bell-shaped blooms
> being white, shaded with palest blue and they are deliciously scented."
> And there we have it. Would that we did. Have it, that is. I would
> delight in having any of the above-mentioned dainty white hyacinths.
> And speaking of hyacinths - is it just me or do the bulbs we see offered
> for sale seem to be shrinking in size, compared to those I recall from a
> couple of decades ago? Or am I just showing my age and a faulty memory.
> Judy in New Jersey where the leaves continue to fall from the trees,
> along with dropping temperatures.
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