Bulbs, for a change

Ron Vanderhoff rvanderhoff@sbcglobal.net
Sat, 17 Nov 2007 20:37:23 PST
  Jim and Others,
  Frost? What frost? Southern California probably shouldn't be included when you ask about what else might possibly still be blooming at this time of year. Mary Sue mentioned some Oxalis, so I thought I would chime in.
  Oxalis are my specialty, primarily those from the Cape Provence of South Africa. So I took a count of what was blooming today, or at least in the past week. 96 species or clones are in bloom. It's a riot of color. Here they are:
  Oxalis adenodes, adenophylla, ambigua, anomala, argillacea, articulata ssp., articulata ssp. rubra, bifurca (syn. bifurcata), bowiei, bowiei 'Amarantha', callosa, cathara, ciliaris, commutata, corniculata, dentata, deppei ‘Iron Cross’, fabaefolia, flava, flava - lavender form, flava - pink form, foveolata, fragrans, glabra, goniorhiza, gracilis – 5 forms, haedulipes, helicoides, hirta – 6 forms, imbricata, imbricata var. violacea, kaajagdensis, kamiesbergensis, livida, lobata, luteola – 5 forms, massoniana, massonorum, meisneri, melanosticta ‘Ken Aslet’, namaquana, nidulans, nortieri, obliquifolia, palmifrons, peduncularis, peduncularis 'Cristata', perdicaria, polyphylla var. heptaphylla – 2 forms, pulchella var. tomentosa, purpurea – 7 forms, regnellii - 6 forms, smithiana, species – 9 unidentified, spiralis, vulcanicola ‘Aureus’, stellata, stenorrhyncha, succulenta, tenuifolia, versicolor, virginea, x 'Ornel' and zeekoevleyensis
  The next couple of months will add several more, when the obtusa's and their kin come into flower.
  Of course, I can't grow a Galanthus or a Fritillaria worth a darn.
  Ron Vanderhoff
  Mild, Mediterranean Southern California, where it hasn't rained in so long we have forgotten what it might be like.

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