Time travel and ancient plants

Robt R Pries rpries@sbcglobal.net
Mon, 12 Nov 2007 11:42:39 PST
 I agree that it is unfortunate how plants seem to
disappear through time. The British System of National
Collections is an attempt to slow down this process
and It think it is magnificent what they have been
able to do. Unfortunately The USA seems adverse to
this type of effort. Perhaps because some of us
percieved one such attempt here as being more in a
certain individuals self-interest than in really
having the high motive that is conveyed by the British
System. Presently Botanical Gardens do not have formal
relationships for the most part with plant societies
yet both have many common goals. It seems to me that
alliances for the perpetuation of various plants could
profitable be forged between these two communities.

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