Trimezia ID

James Waddick
Sun, 25 Feb 2018 07:29:09 PST
Hi Martin,
	I have never heard of T fosteriana before, but checked it out in my ‘bible’ (Innes ’The Familty Iridaceae') and did not find any significant differences. 

	Regardless, I suspect that as common as T steyermarkii is in cultivation, I suspect it is THE Trimezia. I suspect your plant was mislabelled. If the plant was the true fosteriana I suspect the price would have been much higher and the rarity made very evident. 

	Given the commoness of T steyermarkii, I suspect your plant is that species. 		Best		Jim W. 

ps I’d love to be proven wrong if you can find a distinctive character to share with us.

On Feb 24, 2018, at 1:53 AM, Garak <> wrote:

Hi list,

I hope to find someone familiar with Trimezia. My plant was flowering for the first time yesterday, and was sold to me as Trimezia fosteriana and fits pictures of those i can google - but Trimezia steyermarkii in our wiki looks just the same. I know i have a beautiful plant i can bring to flower, yet still I'm curious how to tell those two apart.

Funny sidenote: T. fosteriana was described by Steyermark and T. steyermarkii was described by Foster. One wonders if they dedicated each other the same plant, though the plant list accepts both species as separate.

Southern Germany
Likely zone 7a

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