SRGC Seed-To Plant or Not To Plant

Erik Van Lennep
Sun, 25 Feb 2018 06:38:51 PST
Seeds requiring vernalization as a pretreatment don't need to freeze. They
just need a minimum number of days below 40F, which is easy to provide in a
small container or baggie with seeds, damp paper towel (or sphagnum moss or
coco-peat for instance). Once sprouted they can be carefully planted into
soil. Most respond quite well, but some need daily temperature
fluctuations, so coming out of the fridge and returning at night. Not sure
about Erythronium.

Spring growing species can still be planted now. Autumn growers can wait
until Autumn. They're unlikely to germinate before then, and risk rotting
over the summer if damp, in soil.


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On 25 February 2018 at 14:44, Ernie DeMarie via pbs <> wrote:

> Good question, I got some of the same seeds this week (ie erythronium) so
> I soaked them and planted them in outdoor containers. If they come up
> great, if not I hope they will do so the following spring.  We have warm
> weather by our standards right now but there is still more than a month
> where below freezing temps are possible and it should be rather cool till
> the end of April or so.
> Ernie DeMarie in NY, where the first species crocus, galanthus, and
> eranthis are out and we are getting too much rain/dreary weather at the
> moment
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Jeddeloh <>
> To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
> Sent: Sat, Feb 24, 2018 7:38 pm
> Subject: [pbs] SRGC Seed-To Plant or Not To Plant
> My Scottish Rock Garden Club Seed finally arrived today.  Maybe APHIS has
> some sort of requirement that it has to sit on someone’s desk for at least
> two weeks before they send it on because it took over a month.  So now the
> question is should I plant my seed of bulbous plants now or hold it until
> fall.  We’re still expected to have some nights with temperatures at or
> just below freezing but the seed won’t get the kind of chill it would get
> if I planted it in the fall.  So here’s the bulbous loot I
> received:///TecophiliaNarcissus/ sp.Erythronium montanumTrillium rivaleTrillium
> hibbersonii (hope springs eternal)Scilla madeirensesAphelion montevidenseSo
> what is the wisdom of the PBS list on late winter seed sowing?Jan Jeddeloh,
> Portland, Oregon, USA, more or less zone 8_______________________________________________pbs
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