My Scottish Rock Garden Club Seed finally arrived today. Maybe APHIS has some sort of requirement that it has to sit on someone’s desk for at least two weeks before they send it on because it took over a month. So now the question is should I plant my seed of bulbous plants now or hold it until fall. We’re still expected to have some nights with temperatures at or just below freezing but the seed won’t get the kind of chill it would get if I planted it in the fall. So here’s the bulbous loot I received: Tecophilia Narcissus sp. Erythronium montanum Trillium rivale Trillium hibbersonii (hope springs eternal) Scilla madeirenses Aphelion montevidense So what is the wisdom of the PBS list on late winter seed sowing? Jan Jeddeloh, Portland, Oregon, USA, more or less zone 8 _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…