In bloom now: (under cold glass) Scilla messeniaca Narcissus romieuxii and all of their kin, now mixed up in various colors of white and yellow Ipheon dialystemon Nerine undulata (or N. alba), with 7 buds this year. Oxalis lasiorhiza Cyclamen coum – which wont grow for me outdoors but which now self-seed in the sand beds and in the ground of the ghouse. Many Dutch bulbs particularly commercial Iris reticulata and small species crocus (C. sieberi, etc.). In bud: Scilla mesopotamica (I can’t wait, this is new for me) Tropaeolum bracheceras (three other tuberous species in full growth but not showing buds yet) Some lachenalia (African Beauty series, L. aloides types and L. pustulata mostly). Non bulbs: A large basket of Dendrobium speciosum with spikes Many camellia A large pot with Edgworthia chrysantha And one with Sarcocca hookeriana that hooked me when I saw it at the 2008 NARGS conf. in Portland growing outside the hotel. (remember, I live outside of Boston). Matt Mattus Worcester, MA US Zone 5b Cool glass greenhouse set at 38-40°F. at night. On 2/15/18, 3:22 PM, "pbs on behalf of M Gastil-Buhl" < on behalf of> wrote: Blooming now: (apologies for spellings from memory not proof-read) Dichelostemma capitatum, giant Santa Cruz variety Moraea tripetala Moraea _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list… _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…