
James Waddick
Mon, 27 Aug 2018 17:20:12 PDT
Dear Jane and all,

	Where is ‘here”. Are you certain these are Lycoris squamigera and NOT Amaryllis Belladonna?

	Lycoris seed are generally easy from fertile seed, just slow. Plant when seed pods split open; about 1/2 in deep in light shade and keep well watered until winter, then ignore. 

	If your Lycoris that are blooming are in pots, I am suspicious as Lycoris do not bloom well in pots - at all.

		Best		Jim

On Aug 27, 2018, at 6:15 PM, Jane Sargent <> wrote:

To my astonishment, one of the Lycoris squamigera plants is making seed pods on the top. Do I wait for the pods to turn color and split? Does that take a long while? I thought these plants were infertile.

If there are seeds, is it possible they would grow? My instinct is to wait until they look ripe and then put them in a dedicated outdoor seed bed. Plants in pots have an iffy time staying watered indoors here.

Jane Sargent

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Phone     816-746-1949

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