Robin Attrill introduced Oxalis when it was the Topic of the Week. His introduction is well worth reading along with some of the responses to it.… There is excellent information on the wiki Oxalis page. Especially check out Michael Mace's post:… Michael Vassar also did a Topic of the Week introduction for the IBS list when I was in charge of it, but I don't seem to have kept what he wrote and since it was a private list, it wouldn't be available on the Wayback Machine. I heard Michael Vassar speak a couple of times and one of the things I remember was that some of the species needed to be planted deeply if you wanted them to flower. I don't know if anyone else would remember which ones, but as suggested height is one clue and probably size of the bulbs as well. You certainly wouldn't plant Oxalis hirta 'Gothenburg' with its huge bulbs in a 3 inch pot. A few of the "shy bloomers" started flowering for me once I started growing them in 8 inch deep pots. Also as Mike says in his post referenced above planting in August here in Northern California has resulted in better flowering for the fall flowering bulbs. I noticed today that two of the earlier ones have buds. In Mediterranean climates when everything is brown and dry this time of year (and burning in a lot of places unfortunately) these early flowering Oxalis really lift your spirits. Mary Sue _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…