School started yesterday for faculty, so when I went in I saw the usual two spikes of Amaryllis belladonna had emerged and were in full bloom in the section of the school garden bounded by a walk and K building. The Amaryllis belladonna there have survived for many years right against the wall with no added protection. I am sure the location protects against deep freezing and affords some drying during summer due to the eves of the roof above. It is not totally dry though as other plants grow nearby. Ernie DeMarie z6/7 Briarcliff Manor NY where I came back from South Africa two days ago to find the weeds grew as fast as the flowers did in my absence. Hedychium hybrid (orange) is in bloom, a Crinum Carolina White is in spike, some gladioli are blooming, and Crocosmia aurea is making quite a show, both here at home and in the school garden not far from the belladonnas. The Cape was very good for bulbs this year, among other places we saw Nieuwoudville for the first time where numerous bulbs were in flower. There is a reason it bills itself as the "bulb capital" of the world. Particularly lovely were fields of Ixia rapunculoides on the property of the old Dutch style church in the middle of town (it is not a big town). Lovely light blue/lavender shades in great profusion. _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…