Nick, I grew L. catesbaei several yeas ago. While I could never self them, I generally got good seed set when crossing between plants. I believe that I waited until the pollen readily adhered to the stigma, probably when it was moist-looking and in the morning or evening (higher humidity) I would suggest trying to very gently pollinate the same flower a few times times to maximize differences in environment and receptivity. Be gentle though, as you do not want to disturb previously germinated pollen grains. Apologies for the vagueness, but it's been a while. Mike Gainesville, FL On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 1:18 PM, Nicholas plummer <> wrote: > Hi all, > George Goldsmith's question about significant factors in pollination and > Dylan Hannon's reply makes me wonder about my failures to pollinate Lilium > catesbaei. I have several L. catesbaei plants that I have tried hand > pollinating on numerous occasions without success. Once, and only once, a > plant was pollinated by some insect. Foolishly, I didn't keep the seed--I > thought I could just produce more whenever I wanted. > > I currently have four plants in bud and would appreciate any suggestions > for successful pollination of this species or lilies in general. I know > the plants are not the same clone--three of them I grew from seed, and the > fourth came from another grower. > > Thanks. > > Nick Plummer > North Carolina, Zone 7 > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > >… > _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…