C. epiphyticus

Michael Kent kenttoto@gmail.com
Sun, 12 Aug 2018 16:06:12 PDT
Hi all,

I acquired a bulb from BX 423 (end of August 2017) labeled as C.
epiphyticus. It sent out a single  cyrtanthus-like leaf in late winter. I
moved it outside for the summer. It bloomed beginning Friday, but it
doesn't look at all like C. epiphyticus.

I attached a couple of (horrible quality) pictures. I took the pictures
Saturday without realizing there was a smudge on the lens. By the time I
downloaded the pictures and realized the problem, the bloom was closing for
the day (which ended up being closing forever).

The bloom had just barely poked the tip out of the soil about two and a
half weeks before opening. I wasn't sure if it was a leaf, or a bloom,
because only about a 1/8" pointed tip was showing. It very slowly emerged a
bit more every few days. I was eventually able to tell it was a bloom, but
it didn't emerge beyond about 1/4" of the tip. After two weeks, the
protruding tip started to necrotize, then suddenly decided 'what the Heck,
let's bloom anyway!' Over two days, the pedicel shot out to about 10". The
bloom didn't fully open due to the necrotic tissue, but I was able to
'massage' the necrotic sepal ends apart. You can see in the pictures that
some of the ends of the sepals & petals looks a bit brown and curled, that
is from the necrosis. Anyway, the bloom looks kind of like a Nothoscordum.
It had some streaks of red inside the bloom on the first day, but had faded
to just yellow by the second.

Can anyone help identify the bulb for me? Thanks in advance for any help.

in the Z6A Finger Lakes area, where there is apparently something in the
water because when I got home from work today, the pot of Zephyranthes
minima had this (third photo) small yellow bloom open. The foliage is
indistiguishable from the other Z. minima (which has bloomed several times
this summer - they all looked normal). And there was a pink bloom in the Z.
citrina pot, but as I was trying to take a picture of it, it started to
rain. When the rain stopped, the bloom had closed for the night. Maybe it
will open up again tomorrow, and I can get a picture then.

Oh, and Mary Sue, you can see in the third picture that the C. flanaganii
you sent me  (to the left of the Z. minima) looks happy despite the
sacrifice of the leaf. Thanks again for your generosity.
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