Amaryllis x Lycoris

James Waddick
Mon, 20 Aug 2018 06:33:50 PDT
Hi Mark and all, 

	I find it very difficult to imagine a hybrid between Lycoris squamigera x Amaryllis belladonna. These two species have very different growth needs. There are few locations that can even support both of these growing and blooming together. 

	Secondly the chromosome differences suggest another difficulty. As I understand A, b., has a 2 n = 22 (or n=11) while the L. s. has a 3n = 27, but there is no neat n number. L. s is a sterile triploid and has never made fertile seed. (it makes a very rare infertile seed).  As far as I have read L. s does not make seed with any other species of Lycoris making it more unlikely that it would make seed with pollen of a vaguely related genus such as Amaryllis. 

	This leads me to suspect your non-blooming Amaryllis may be a genetic fluke of that species - maybe it has some odd chromosome number that hampers its ability to bloom.

	And I have not seen any pictures on the PBS site. 		Are you certain your bulbs are true Amaryllis ?		Best		Jim

On Aug 20, 2018, at 8:05 AM, William R.P. Welch via pbs <> wrote:

Hi Mark Robertson,

I wasn't able to see your pictures.  (Nor a link to them).  I'm curious about that oddball ("impossible ") L squamigera cross

Best wishes,

Bill the Bulb Baron (William R.P. Welch)


William R.P. Welch, 1031 Cayuga Street, Apt B, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (831) 236-8397

> On Aug 19, 2018, at 12:37 PM, Andrew <> wrote:
> Mark,
> The reason, I think you are not seeing blooms, is twofold. First, winter rain is essential, rain spread over the winter season to enable the bulbs to prepare for the following dry season. This usually occurs in northern California, but rather spottily in the south, especially in the past ten years.  Secondly, the bulbs do not need the very hot, summer dry site you are providing. That’s OK in Vancouver or England but it’s not needed in hot summer areas such as yours. If you need the wall to lessen winter cold place a loose mulch over the sea in summer to prevent direct heating over the hot six months. Maybe your winter was drier than normal, in which case you would need to water in spring. That is the case here in southern California where, except in wet winters, watering during April, May and June in necessary to get any blooms. So, planting next areas that would normally get sprinkled is an easy way to get that watering done. Good luck.
> Andrew
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