Traveling to Spain
Jane McGary (Sun, 11 Sep 2016 14:15:10 PDT)

In answer to Randy, when I went to Spain I enjoyed staying in the city
of Ronda while I drove out to the nearby mountains to look at plants. If
hiking isn't in your plans, Ronda has a spectacular series of terraces,
with some planting, on the sides of its river gorge. I also saw a number
of interesting plants in the ruins of Muslim buildings one can visit
there, including a fine patch of Iris albicans in the old cemetery.
There are also wonderful restaurants in Ronda--and they're even
welcoming to a woman dining alone, which is not always the case even in
the USA.

Jane McGary

Portland, Oregon, USA

On 9/11/2016 12:36 PM, Randall P. Linke wrote:

My wife and I will be traveling to Spain in late April through mid May next
year. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions of interesting botanical
sights/gardens to see in Andalusia, Castile and Catalonia that you would

Thank you,
Randy Linke
Seattle, WA

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