Unknown "Rain Lily"
Barbara (Fri, 09 Sep 2016 14:00:22 PDT)
I bought a bunch - maybe a dozen or so - unnamed rain lilies on eBay. The seller had no idea of their identity and said they’d been in the ground for 10-12 years. The plants are robust and bloomed at the peak of summer. The flowers are large, with overlapping pointed tepals, bright pink over white, and with prominent longitudinal veining. The flowers are one to a stem, pretty much pointing upward. The stamens were not easy to differentiate, appearing as a tangle in the throat. I did not dissect a flower to count them because I really didn’t want to sacrifice even one of these gorgeous blooms! Even after looking through Zephyranthes and Habranthus in the PBS wiki, I can’t figure out in which genus this one belongs.
They seem to like a pot without a hole in the bottom which keeps the soil damp if not wet during this year’s monsoon.
I’ll bring it indoors after the first freeze in a couple of weeks, as Santa Fe is generally unfriendly to plants that like wet bottoms or that don’t like cold temperatures.
I tried unsuccessfully to post photos to “Mystery Bulbs.” I suspect that someone can easily identify this beauty from photos.
Barbara Weintraub
Santa Fe, New Mexico
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