genus Wilcoxia
Dennis Kramb (Fri, 16 Sep 2016 06:30:43 PDT)

I almost tried that one because of the flower color but I opted for the
slightly paler W. (E.) schmollii because of the tendency for having exposed
tubers. I couldn't find info online if any Wilcoxia are fragrant, but I
assumed the white ones must be, at least. Is your poselgeri fragrant?

When you say big pots, do you mean deep, or do you mean shallow-but-wide ?

Dennis in Cincinnati

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 11:01 PM, Monica Swartz <> wrote:

I grow Wilcoxia (Echinocereus) poselgeri collected in S. TX. It needs big
pots for such a thin cactus because of the tuberous roots. Enormous purple
flowers, sometimes five at a time on the top of a stem smaller than your
little finger. It is sensitive to sucking insects so I always use a
systemic insecticide. Sometimes individual plants die in winter for no
apparent reason so it is good to keep propagating it from cuttings. Others
have reported this problem too. I suspect that older plants may fill their
pots with the tuberous roots and suffocate. One day I'll get around to
posting photos on the Wiki. monica
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