Pacific Bulb Society SX 6
Dell Sherk (Mon, 05 Sep 2016 10:25:09 PDT)

The seeds listed below have been donated by our members and friends to
be shared.

If you are interested in obtaining some of these seeds, **please email
me PRIVATELY at:**

Please put "SX 6" in the subject line.


Please also include your shipping address (even if you've provided it
previously). When you receive your seeds, you will find, enclosed, a
statement of what you owe the PBS treasurer ($2.00 US per packet +
shipping and handling).

Many of you are signed up to the PBS email discussion list, which is
free, but are not members of the Pacific Bulb Society which has a yearly
are not a member, please consider joining so that you can participate in
future offers such as this one. Go to:
for membership information.

Incidentally, I will try to reply to your order, but I may get too busy.
Best wishes,

Dell Sherk, PBS SX

Thank you to all of our generous donors!

812 Albuca aff. namaquensis MSW
813 Albuca aff. flaccida (a volunteer) MSW
814 Allium cernuum ?
815 Androcymbium dregei ?
816 Bellevalia dubia ex Greece, Peloponnes NM
817 Biarum rhopalospadix ex Greece, Peloponnes NM
818 Biarum tenuifolium subsp. tenuifolium ex Greece, Peloponnes NM
819 Calochortus clavatus var. avius NN
820 Camassia quamash ?
821 Colchicum sp. mixed, OP AT
822 Cosmos atrosanguineus DP
823 Crocus cartwrightianus ex Greece, Euboe NM
824 Crocus goulimyi ex Greece, Peloponnes NM
825 Crocus serotinus subsp. Salzmannii NM
826 Crocus tommasinianus 'Pictus' RdV
827 Cyclamen hederifolium scented ex Greece, Peloponnes NM
828 Dahlia 'Bishop's Children' DK
829 Dahlia coccinea DK
830 Erythrina herbacea MSW
831 Freesia laxa ME
832 Fritillaria davisii ex Greece, Peloponnes NM
833 Fritillaria messanensis ex Greece, Peloponnes NM
834 Gladiolus equitans ex Kamieskroon DH coll 2004
835 Habranthus magnoi IC
836 Habranthus tubispathus, variable forms IC
837 Habranthus tubispathus, pink IC
838 Habranthus tubispathus, white/yellow IC
839 Hippeastrum 'Black Pearl' ex van Bourgondien KC
840 Hippeastrum 'Blue Ocean' ex Pan Tao KC
841 Hippeastrum 'Emerald Dawn', Israeli, ex Shirley Odom KC
842 Hippeastrum 'Orange Sovereign' x 'Ferrari' KC
843 Hippeastrum papilio ME
844 Hippeastrum 'Red Lion' KC
845 Hippeastrum 'Shoka no Kagayaki' ex Komoriya KC
846 Hippeastrum striatum MSW
847 Iris lutescens ex South France NM
848 Iris pumila ex Georgia NM
849 Lachenalia minima, ex Bitterfontein DH
850 Massonia "echinata" ex NARGS, OP RdV
851 Massonia "pustulata" ex BX 337, OP RdV
852 Massonia hyb. aff. pustulata ex. NARGS RdV
853 Muscari aucheri NM
854 Muscari cycladicum ex Greece, Crete (Leipoldia cycladica) NM
855 Muscari pseudomuscari, ex Iran (Pseudomuscari chalusicum) NM
856 Narcissus miniatus ex Spain (N. osoletus) DH
857 Narcissus rupicola ex Central Spain NM
858 Nothoscordum gracile var. macrostemon RdV
859 Nothoscordum sp. ex Harry Hay NM
860 "Ornithogalum albomarginatum" MSW
861 Ornithogalum baeticum ex South Spain NM
862 Pamianthe peruviana PM
863 Phaedranassa cinerea, ex Ittner RdV
864 Polyxena corymbosa (Lachenalia) LJ
865 Rhodophiala bifida IC
866 Rhodophiala bifida, pink form ?
867 Scilla hyacinthoides LJ
868 Scilla lilio-hyacinthus ex North Spain NM
869 Scilla melaina Ex Turkey NM
870 Scilla monophyllos ex South Spain NM
871 Scilla ramburei NM
872 Scilla siberica 'Alba' RdV
873 Sinningia bullata AM
874 Sinningia canescens AM
875 Sinningia cardinalis 'Innocent' AM
876 Sinningia cardinalis, dark calyx AM
877 Sinningia cardinalis, ex BX RdV
878 Sinningia eumorpha, purple RdV
879 Sinningia harleyi AM
880 Sinningia iarae AM
881 Veltheimia bracteata, pink, ex Telos IC
882 xHippeastrelia PS
883 Zephyranthes cf. brazosensis ex Yucatan DH coll 2013
884 Zephyranthes citrina IC
885 Zephyranthes flavissima, OP ?
886 Zephyranthes fosteri, pink/white mix IC
887 Zephyranthes 'John Fellers' IC
888 Zephyranthes primulina RdV
889 Zephyranthes 'Pink Beauty' RdV
890 Zephyranthes sp., ex Mexico, Chimalapas DH coll 2014
891 Zephyranthes 'Sunset Strain' IC
892 Zephyranthes verecunda, Mexico (Z. minuta) IC
893 Zephyranthes verecunda, pink (Z. minuta) RdV

Donor codes:
Alcie Maxwell = AM
Arnold Trachtenberg = AT
David Pilling = DP
Dennis Kramb = DK
Donor id is lost = ?
Dylan Hannon = DH
Ina Crossley = IC
Karl Church = KC
Lyn James = LJ
Marvin Ellenbecker = ME
Michael Neumann = NM
Monica Swartz = MSW
Nhu Nguyen = NN
Pamela Slate = PS
Paul Matthews = PM
Rimmer de Vries = RdV