Zephyranthes reginae and Naked Ladies
Jim McKenney (Sat, 03 Sep 2016 13:19:03 PDT)

Jim Waddick wrote about the widespread confusion of Amaryllis belladonna and Lycoris squamigera. 
That so many gardeners confuse Lycoris squamigera and Amaryllis belladonna on the one hand, and Lycoris radiata and Nerine sarniensis on the other hand, is not surprising. For decades mass distribution catalogs have use images of Amaryllis belladonna to sell bulbs of Lycoris squamigera and images of Nerine sarniensis to sell bulbs of Lycoris radiata. Few of these catalogs have images of the true Lycoris squamigera and Lycoris radiata. 
Thus, the sort  of people who have Amaryllis belladonna and use catalog pictures to identify their plants  will see its picture in catalogs labeled Lycoris squamigera. 
Last month High Country Gardens sent out an ad for Lycoris radiata using an image of Nerine sarniensis. I wrote to them about this, and they promptly changed the online image to the real Lycoris radiata. I wish every other company I've written to about this had been so responsive. 
Jim McKenneyMontgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Lycoris × houdyshelii is blooming in a local garden. 

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