Merwilla natalensis question
Michael Mace (Thu, 29 Sep 2016 16:08:09 PDT)

This question came into the PBS site. If you have any thoughts, please
respond directly to Joseph Grixti <>




I would be very grateful if you would kindly answere my question regarding
the bulb specie, namely Merwilla natalensis. Earlier last week I had a look
at my dormant bulbs and strangely enough Merwilla natalensis started to
shoot out quite rapidly. I bought this bulb in late Spring, covered it and
left it about 8cm above soil level , left it unwatered and sheltered it from
the hot Summer sun . We are now in early Autumn (Mediterranean climate ) and
after the first rainfalls of the season I find it growing happily. Is this
growing out of season ?

Thank you very much indeed for your time and troubles.

Yours truly.

Joseph Grixti.