Amaryllis vs. Lycoris
Jack and Val (Sun, 04 Sep 2016 13:12:15 PDT)
Dear Jim,
Thanks for the info link. Although I can tell the flowers apart, I didn’t know the finer points. I even bought some spider lilies at the farmers’ market and for the first time noticed the gap in the bottom petals!
So nice to know some of the differences between Lycoris and Amaryllis. However, I had been thinking of giving the Lycoris Naked Ladies a try here in the Sierra foothills and the page says they won’t grow where
the Amaryllis ones do. Guess that saves me some money.
Val Myrick
Sonora, CA
(sort of near Yosemite at 2,000’)
On Sep 4, 2016, at 12:57 PM, James Waddick <> wrote:
Dear Denise,
I don’t know who put this page together, but it is a couple of years old. I just happened to find it. Some folks are VERY stubborn about these two bulbs. Seeing these compared makes it really very obvious.
I know that Amaryllis belladonna is impossible to to grow outside here in my Zone 5 Kansas City and Lycoris squamigera is easy and hardy at least a few zones further north. This shows the frustrating situation where two very different plants have the same set of common names.
This site will come in handy oftenI think:… <…> <… <…>>
Jim W.
PS Is this Mary Sue’s doing? Thanks to any involved PBS members.
On Sep 4, 2016, at 2:33 PM, Denise Deni Friese <> wrote:
Jim, thank you so much for posting the link to that page. I have had arguments with people many times about this and now have some place to tell them to go (besides you-know-where) to back up my "opinion".
Much appreciated!
Denise "Deni" Friese
Eco-Friendly Custom Landscapes
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