Hippeastrum (Amaryllid) list- Clidanthus

Brian Whyer brian.whyer@btinternet.com
Mon, 29 Dec 2008 02:26:48 PST
> I have also a clidanthus fragrans, but they bloom not for me, I put them
> my winter shed, dry, but  this is not enough that is not the trigger, I do
> not know what else I can do so that they will bloom, when I bought them
> they get flowers  in April, after that (3 Years later) they don't
> read that they need poor soil, and I give them very poor soil , nada
> ,no flowers.  They have a wonderful fragrance

For me this is one of those plants that I see more often trying to bloom in
the plastic bag hanging in the Garden Centre, then I ever do in soil.
Had it for years but got fed up and threw it away.

Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, +-3C and getting colder. Below
average for here.

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