Winter & the joy of PBS

James Waddick
Wed, 24 Dec 2008 19:48:44 PST
Dear Friends,
	It seems appropriate to chat a bit at the end of the year.
	In Nov. I tore down an old 'greenhouse', although that 
doesn't really describe it. It was home made from the old Mother 
Earth News as "Garden Grow Pit' to start your vegetable seeds in 
early spring. I replaced it with a more modern aluminum frame 
polycarbonate covered structure that actually lets in light. We 
worked to finish it by the last decent weather day of the season and 
temps have been as cold or colder since global warming became 'in'. 
We've been to Zero F (-17 C) or slightly below a couple nights in a 
row and only one day above freezing. Brrr.

	But a reliable bulb is blooming in the new greenhouse- 
Tulbaghia simmleri *(aka T. fragrans). The particular bulb is the 
typical lavender flowered form  sent to me by the late Dave 
Karnstedt. I had grown the white flowered "alba" form for years and 
it is delightfully fragrant. Dave swore his lavender plant had no 
scent so we traded. "His" bulb is now in bloom and has a slightly 
less intense, but very evident scent to me. I also traded a couple to 
Judy Glattstein - is yours in bloom now, and scented too?

	Over the years I have sent and received some choice and 
unique items. That is the treat of PBS in making connections. So this 
particular bulb has gone from S. CA to Kansas City to OR and New 
Jersey. Doesn't that say something about PBS? Making connections and 
	And Dell has made the bulb/seed exchange a world wide 
success. Just check out any recent offering and find bulbs and seed 
from various countries and continents.

	Best wishes for the continued success of PBS and all its 
generous contributors- even those who listen quietly.

	And continued success in the NEW YEAR. 		Happy 
Holidays		Jim W.

* My original T. simmleri 'alba' came from a  California bulbophile, 
Robert Parker - an avid collector willing to try anything new and 
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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