Hi Leo: "Thank you for the seeds. I can attest your suggestions above work! I can't> recall right now where I read to wet-stratify the seeds in the> refrigerator. That didn't work." Stratification of seeds work for T. polyphyllum, speciosum, etc., those that are dry dormant under snow in winter. > " I have room for a large vine. How much cold can it take? In our winters we> have occasional night frosts to -3C most years, and rarely to -8C. Days> are always well above freezing. The soil never freezes so the tubers would> survive. I would plant it under trees so the base and lower stems would be> much more protected than the vines." There should be no problem with the occasional -8C while the plant is in full growth in winter (pentaphyllum, that is) but it needs a sheltered spot, protected from cold winds. It is a large vine, I think it can grow well with you left permanently in the ground but remember it receives year round rainfall. No hot dry Cape summer for it!> "I did put all the seeds into one pot but the soil is very loose. Next> summer I will unpot carefully and plant into individual pots for planting> out next fall." That sounds quite perfect. And, you can plant the larger tubers in the ground. The stems are very brittle tho. Again, it does not require a dry summer like azureum, brachyceras or tricolor. Regards _________________________________________________________________ ¿Fanático de Hotmail y Messenger? ¡Conocé el resto de Windows Live®! http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowslive/