Dear James and Dear All, Further to your question about Ullucus tuberosus, I think Ullucus is the old name for Basella not in use anymore. Basella is a South American tuberous climbing plant with thick succulent leaves and an enourmous growth rate. It forms clumps of elongated tubers and on the aerial climbing stems it also forms small aerial bulbils. It is frost tender so makes an excellent screening plant without the risk of becoming a weed in cold winter climates but in warm winter climates it can take over large areas. It is always found near human settlements in frost free climates like the Canary Islands and from theres I once brought some bulbils. It flowers with rather insignificant whitish flowers with a certain fragrance but nothing spectacular. I have never tried to boil and eat the tubers but I know it is a vegetable. I am sorry but I cannot help out with propagation material as I stopped growing it because it grows so fast and entwines with all its neighbours but it is in the commerce under the current name of Basella. Hope this helped, Uli