Hi all, Mary Sue, to be literal about my seed sowing direct into the ground, said ground is really one large scree, filled with various mediums to accommodate various bulb profiles grow. >Do you >add fertilizer to the mix? No, but when I think of it, I do like to use what I term soil conditioners. A light mix of complete trace element and a carrier like liquid seaweed. Not at all very scientific, but over the last three decades I find this as we are speaking in generalities, to hold. >Do you >protect from the rain or leave the pots out exposed to the elements? for the most part yes. But I always cover with fine grit. I use 1-2mm grit because this works for me across the board. >What size and kind of pots does everyone use? I prefer troughs. Gary Buckley in Devonport, Tasmania min.-1C max; 26C Alpines and Bulbs, E-magazine and Forum http//http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/3061 mailtogaryrene@ozemail.com.au