Hi Mary - Thanks for the info on your climate. Others have already let you know that it is "normal" for Brodiaea / Dichelostemma / Triteleia leaves to die back before blooming, but that is most applicable to species that grow naturally in hot climates. B. terrestris var. terrestris in its native habitat may stay virtually "evergreen," as noted by Alberto. Your B. coronaria is from higher elevation inland plateaus in northeast California (roughly, the southern Cascade foothills spilling onto the lava plateaus northeast of Mount Lassen, the latter being essentially a Great Basin climate). It prefers more water and usuallycan be found in "low places" and on "lava caps" which are essentially impervious and thus "pool" water under a fairly thin layer of soil. It is a wonderful plant, especially when seen in the "drifts" that bloom after a good winter-rainfall year. It does tend to be fairly uniform in flower color, while the B. terrestris is more variable. Enjoy !!! ---------- Georgie Robinett