Bulbs reference books is a favorite topic of mine. While you're searching around, you might look out for another Martin Rix book "Bulbs" ISBN 0-679-72756-6 I got a remarkable deal on it last year thru Amazon.com, used, thru a third party. Incredibly cheap and in perfect (new) condition. Jane can clear up the IBSN number business, but I believe that the Library of Congress issues a unique ISBN number; one for hardcover and one for paperback of the same book. Cathy Craig Zone 9b Maritime Pacific Bulb Society President > I did a search to find this book used. I found what might be the same book > with two different ISBN numbers. To make sure I don't get the wrong book, > could you let me know what the ISBN number is on the book you have? Thanks > "Growing Bulbs" by Martyn Rix (Christopher Helm/Timber Press, > >1986; paperback).