Daubenya & Oxalis comment

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Fri, 08 Nov 2002 16:08:05 PST
Dear Peter,

I am really interested that one of your Daubenya's has just finished. Last year when I was in South Africa Rod and Rachel took us to a place where it was flowering in the wild in a cold area of South Africa near Middlepos. That was about the third week in August and you say in S. E. England one pot has just finished. If you adjust for hemispheres I'd think it would bloom in Feb. Maybe all the rain in South Africa last year delayed the bloom. Could you expound upon your light theories? What is the weather like in the fall in S.E. England? It is always fascinating to figure out what factors initiate bloom. Mine have not broken dormancy (some I inherited from Jim Robinett) so I guess they aren't going to appear this year. I have sowed new seed and have my fingers crossed.

Saying that, I saw a bud on Oxalis flava today. I had mentioned before that I could never get this one to bloom and gave some to Uli in Germanay and Lauw in France and they both reported it bloomed nicely for them. We had some nice warm sunny weather in Northern California in late October and early November and now are in our winter storm pattern later than usual. So perhaps it was that extended warmer period with the additional sunshine that did the trick.

Mary Sue

Mary Sue Ittner <msittner@mcn.org>
California's North Coast
Wet mild winters with occasional frost
Dry mild summers

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