Climates of the world

John Bryan
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 09:57:16 PST
Dear Vicki
While I have a book regarding the Mediterranean climates of the world, I do not know of a book describing various climates in specific areas. However, there is a resource of which few people seem to take advantage. I refer to the Agricultural Attaché of the country about which you need information. Local Consulates may be of help in directing you to the exact person to contact. I have found these attachés to be most helpful and a much under used resource. I hope this helps. You might also contact the United nations, they might well be in a position to help. Each country i am sure have many micro climates, consequently a book covering all such areas would be, to say the least, very large, and difficult to write. Yet the information from each country can be
obtained. Perhaps you should gather all such and put it into book form.

Cheers, John E. Bryan

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