Polyxena identification and Daubenya comments

Silverhill Seeds silverhill@yebo.co.za
Sat, 09 Nov 2002 02:37:28 PST
Dear Robin Some replies to a few comments. Firstly in the latest IBSA Bulletin (which should be in the post now), Alison van der MErwe has written another article summarising the findings in Massonieae in her PhD thesis.  I still find it difficult to sort out what is what, but perhaps I need to concentrate on it!

Secondly it is Hadeco who brought out Daubenya bulbs which they produced in tissue culture.  They grow well and several IBSA members showed pots of flowering plants this spring.  Quite why they have not marketed them elsewhere, I am not sure.

The reason why Daubenya seed is often not what it should be is that in their habitat, the plants grow completely mixed up with Polyxenas  and what used to be Neobakerias.  When in flower, all is well, but when in seed, it is extremely difficult to know which is which.  We collected seeds yesterday, and hopefully this year we have the right species.  The red flowering plants still had dried petals attached to the seed pods, so we ignored anything that wasn't red!  The yellow flowered plants grow in an area that is more or less free of contaminating look-alikes, so I think that they are OK.  So maybe this is the year to try seeds!!

Rachel Saunders Cape Town

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