
The table below lists the families with bulbous or geophytic species illustrated or discussed on the PBS wiki. In each of the pages below, you will find the genera that belong to that family with links to their own genera pages. In a number of cases there is no consensus among taxonomists about which family a genus belongs to and we will attempt to explain that on the relevant genus or family page.

For quite a while, we have decided to adapt the APG II (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, version II, 2003) as the taxonomic guide for families. Several years later, two more Versions have been released: APG III in 2009, which cleaned up a lot of formerly unplaced families and made some relevant changes to families in our range, and APG IV in 2016. Changes in APG IV were restricted to a few new orders and families, and a little lumping of minor units, but the system seems to converge towards a stable form now. With the classifications of APG III and IV becoming more and more common on sites like Wikipedia, PlantsoftheWorldOnline.org and Inaturalist.org, we will in time reflect the changes and try to explain them if necessary. Until this task completes, please take families and our family pages as what they are: a helping concept in finding the plants you want to learn about. The PBS Wiki has never been and will never be an authority on taxonomic concepts.

Acoraceae Agapanthaceae now part of Amaryllidaceae Agavaceae now part of Asparagaceae Alliaceae now part of Amaryllidaceae Alstroemeriaceae
Amaryllidaceae Anthericaceae now part of Asparagaceae Apocynaceae Aponogetonaceae Araceae
Araliaceae Aristolochiaceae Asclepiadaceae now part of Apocynaceae Asparagaceae Asphodelaceae
Asteraceae Balsaminaceae Begoniaceae Berberidaceae Bixaceae
Blandfordiaceae Boraginaceae Brassicaceae Calochortaceae Cactaceae
Campanulaceae Cannaceae Colchicaceae Commelinaceae Convallariaceae now part of Asparagaceae
Convolvulaceae Costaceae Crassulaceae Cucurbitaceae Cyperaceae
Dioscoreaceae Doryanthaceae Droseraceae Eriospermaceae now part of Asparagaceae Euphorbiaceae
Fabaceae Fumariaceae now part of Papaveraceae Geraniaceae Gesneriaceae Haemodoraceae
Heliconiaceae Hemerocallidaceae now part of Asphodelaceae Hesperocallidaceae now part of Asparagaceae Hyacinthaceae now part of Asparagaceae Hydrophyllaceae
Hypoxidaceae Iridaceae Ixioliriaceae Lamiaceae Lanariaceae
Liliaceae Lowiaceae Marantaceae Melanthiaceae Montiaceae
Musaceae Myrsinaceae now part of Primulaceae Nartheciaceae Nelumbonaceae Nyctaginaceae
Nymphaeaceae Onagraceae Orchidaceae Orobanchaceae Oxalidaceae
Paeoniaceae Papaveraceae Polygonaceae Portulacaceae Primulaceae
Ranunculaceae Ruscaceae now part of Asparagaceae Solanaceae Strelitziaceae Tecophilaeaceae
Themidaceae now part of Asparagaceae Trilliaceae Tropaeolaceae Xanthorrhoeaceae now part of Asphodelaceae Xeronemataceae

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