
Orchidaceae or the orchid family is a worldwide family of about 880 genera and more than 20,000 perennial epiphytic or terrestrial species in order Asparagales. Each flower has 3 sepals and 3 petals borne above a 3-chambered ovary. Many grow from a tuber or a rhizome and have an intricate structure that has evolved from their pollination strategy. Seeds are short-lived, often tiny and fine and may need to form an internal root association with a soil fungus in order to give rise to new plants.

Cameron McMaster wrote three articles about South African orchids for Farmer's Weekly in 2008. The first was an overview, the second featured information aboutwinter rainfall species and the third featured information aboutsummer rainfall species. The South African orchids pictured on the wiki are listed on the South African Orchids page.

All trade with orchidaceae is subject to CITES regulations.

Genera of Orchidaceae on the PBS wiki
Anacamptis Arachnorchis Bartholina Bletilla Bipinnula Bonatea
Brachycorythis Brownleea Bunochilus Caladenia Calanthe Calopogon
Calypso Cephalanthera Ceratandra Chiloglottis Chloraea Cleistes
Corycium Corallorhiza Cyanicula Cypripedium Dactylorhiza Drakonorchis
Disa Disperis Diuris Eleorchis Elythranthera Epipactis
Eulophia Glossodia Goodyera Govenia Gymnadenia Habenaria
Himantoglossum Holothrix Jonesiopsis Leptoceras Linguella Listera see Neottia
Lyperanthus Neobolusia Neottia Ophrys Orchis Pecteilis
Petalochilus Piperia Platanthera Pleione Plumatichilos Ponerorchis
Prasophyllum Pterostylis Pterygodium Satyrium Schizochilus Serapias
Simpliglottis Spiranthes Stegostyla Thelymitra Tipularia

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