The Archive

This page contains books and journals that are being made available here in electronic form. Where applicable copyright remains with the original publishers and the material has been made available with their permission.


The Bulb Garden
Newsletter of the Pacific Bulb Society
The PBS List
email list of the Pacific Bulb Society
Bulb Newsletter
Complete set of Brian Mathew's bulb journal.
The newsletter dedicated to the genus Calochortus edited by Hugh McDonald, Jim and Georgie Robinett and Diana Chapman between 1989-2005.
Guide pour bulbes méditerranéens
Guide to Mediterranean bulbs by Lauw de Jager (in French)
Guide pour bulbes méditerranéens
Guide to Mediterranean bulbs by Lauw de Jager (in English)
GPBotanicals digital Library
Bulb related journals (external link to non-PBS project).
Newsletter of the International Bulb Society
Plant Life
Amaryllis Yearbook

Journals published by the International Bulb Society
Farmer's Weekly
Series of articles by Cameron McMaster

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