On this page will be listed links to favorite bulbs from past PBS list discussions. New favorites can be added that were not discussed at the time.
In 2004 members of the PBS list nominated their favorite bulbs by color, usually ones they were able to grow successfully. In January they discussed favorite yellow bulbs, in March favorite orange bulbs, in June favorite red bulbs, in August favorite pink bulbs, in September favorite purple bulbs, in November favorite blue/turquoise bulbs, and in December favorite white bulbs. Since there wasn't always agreement about what color a favorite flower was, some species were selected for more than one color. The information from their posts is summarized below with links to pictures from our wiki (when they are available) of these plants.
In May 2003 the Pacific Bulb Society List topic of the week was Bulbs for Shade. Participants mentioned their favorite bulbs to grow in the shade. Suggested bulbs for shade were also discussed on the PBS list other times as well. These pages list alphabetically these bulbs, sometimes with comments, followed by the name and the location of the person who mentioned them, usually from experience growing them. There are links to more information about the plants discussed and there are photos from our wiki (when they are available) of these plants. The first (index) page discusses some of the factors to consider and has a table listing the suggested species or the genus, if a specific species was not noted, with a link to the page with more information.
Bulbs for Shade | |||
Index of Bulbs for Shade | Bulbs for Shade A-B | Bulbs for Shade Ca-Cl | |
Bulbs for Shade Co-Cy | Bulbs for Shade D-G | Bulbs for Shade H-L | |
Bulbs for Shade M-R | Bulbs for Shade S-Z |
Other favorites from PBS discussions may be added at a later date.