Komoriya Nursery on eBay?

Lee Poulsen via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 05 Aug 2024 10:11:07 PDT
Komoriya is a totally legitimate nursery in Japan. They specialize in Hippeastrum hybrids and Lachenalia hybrids. Although they do a few other species and their hybrids too. In the past they were the top specialty bulb nursery in Japan. They even sold Worsleya and Ismene amancaes bulbs in the past. I can only guess that Komoriya himself is getting quite elderly. Which is why I’d really like to get some of his better looking Lachenalia hybrids before he passes away, despite their being so expensive. I got a few of his Hippeastrum hybrids back in the ‘90s and a few more in the 2000s. If you know Shige Sasaki in the Clivia world, he can vouch for them. Someone, maybe still in PBS, can’t remember his name, imported several Ismene amancaes bulbs from him back when he was still selling them.

Since I was considering maybe splurging for a few of the Lachenalia hybrids, I wrote them about phytosanitary certificates and got the following response on July 10:

New message from: komoriya_nursery (969PURPLE_STAR Star)
Dear Lee,

Thanks for your message.

1.Yes. We can arrange phytosanitary certificate.

2. We do not sell Ismene amancaes currently.Sorry.

Hope this helps. If someone does put together a group order, I would like to participate.

--Lee Poulsen
San Gabriel Valley, California, USA - USDA Zone 10a
Latitude 34°N, Altitude 340 ft/100 m

[BTW, if you travel to Japan, you can buy plants and bulbs there and get them inspected and a phyto typed up for you *in* the Tokyo airport in Narita before your flight. You only need to contact them to set up an appointment a few hours before your flight leaves. (But only M-F I believe.)]

> On Aug 4, 2024, at 06:21, paul--- via pbs <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:
> Hello:
> Has anyone purchased bulbs from Komoriya Nursery on eBay?  More specifically: Do they ship to the US with a phyto certificate?  Good/bad experiences?
> Or does anyone have an e-mail address for them?
> They seem to be a legitimate company, and they say that they ship to the US, but they don’t mention anything about a phyto certificate in their eBay listing.  Their regular website is “under construction,” and it doesn’t have an e-mail listed or a Contact Us page.  I’m a bit leery to order something from Japan without a phyto.
> Thanks for the info.
> …Paul

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