There has been some discussion on what to do when you're not allowed to do anything and I'd like to suggest MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses. These are FREE courses you can take online, although lately some have been offering benefits for paying a few hundred dollars for an upgrade and certificate. EdX and Coursera are the two main affiliations I know of and were created by some very prestigious universities like Harvard, MIT and Stanford. Someone I know just retired before the pandemic started and studying paleobiology on Coursera. A lot of the time I have a vague idea how something works and only occasionally realize that isn't good enough. Like when I realized the concept of dna replication I learned in high school was topologically impossible because as the strands were separated, the helix would bind (torsionally) and replication would have to stop almost immediately. So I took EdX's Molecular Biology course and learned about topoisomerase and lots of other new stuff. I also took their Introductory biology course since I realized that had changed a lot in the last 50 years or so. Then I took Coursera's 'Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity' because I realized my understanding was nebulous at best. Surprisingly this only required high school algebra and you can gain some appreciation of Einstein's truly different brain. 'Paradox and Infinity' (EdX) does require some facility with mathematical proofs but you are well rewarded if you stick it out: You can learn about Cantor's transfinite numbers, understand Turing machines, learn about uncomputable numbers and follow one of Kurt Godel's proofs. I can vouch that all of these courses were taught better than any course I ever took in a brick and mortar college. Good luck in finding your answers, Tim _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…