Amaryllis belladonna phytotoxicity? /allelopathy

Tim Eck
Tue, 24 Mar 2020 13:04:45 PDT
It's not unreasonable.
Perennial grasses are notorious for allelopathy, especially directed toward
tree seedlings.  That is the chief reason new tree plantings have those
circles of mulch around them.  As the roots become more extensive, there is
no reason for mulch patches.  But prairies and forests have a constant
battle for territory at the boundaries.  Trees will shade out grass and
forbs but they also produce some allelopathic chemicals in roots and leaves
with black walnut and tree of heaven some of the most well known examples.
Annual grasses show little evidence of allelopathy.
I would not be surprised if relatively low and slow growing plants like
bulbs did not exhibit allelopathy or at least were immune to it and able to
piggy-back on 'companion' plants that were allelopathic.
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