Cyclamen in Greenhouse Waking Up

Judy Glattstein
Fri, 16 Aug 2019 05:27:19 PDT
There are a couple of Cyclamen hederifolium coming into their 
hysteranthous / no leaves just flowers growth in my greenhouse. C. 
rohlfsianum ditto. I shall have to get busy mixing soil and repotting.

Outdoors, potted Crinum xpowellii pink and xAmarcrinum are in flower. It 
is interesting how the sturdy flower stalks appears from the side of the 
fat pseudostem and its leafy growth.

And the wretched deer ate all the leaves off a number of lilies, 
including some that had heretofore been ignored. They had best beware - 
bow hunting season opens on September 14th!

My daughter-in-law has a family place in Texas. Now completely 
renovated, she and my son go there for visits. I offered her some 
Rhodophiala, which will - I think - thrive outdoors. So I need to unpot, 
pack up, and send some off to their Massachusetts address in a timely 
manner in early September for mid-September travels to Giddings.

Always something.
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